Prashant Pinge

Sid & Po
Sid is a lonely eight-year-old boy who lives with his busy father and devout grandmother, who is always in the puja room. One day, he decides to get a Labrador pup but ends up with a chameleon named Po (short for Pokiman), instead. But Po is no ordinary chameleon mind you, for not only can he talk (and finds English really easy compared to pigeon language), but science is his favourite subject. Despite this, Sid’s heart is still set on getting a cute little puppy with floppy ears and a tail that wags like the wind. But all that changes when Po saves him from the neighbourhood bully, Ranbir aka Rambo. Soon, Sid and Po becomes best friends and plunge into a series of funny adventures.
Prashant Pinge’s stories are lighthearted and engaging and bring together two unlikely characters – a shy boy and an over-smart chameleon – joined together by that sweet and wonderful bond, friendship.